Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Urinspiration #1

Grumpy old man

I've had another of my "Urinspirations"
I am fated to be a grumpy old man. You know, the type who complains about every slight inconvenience.

The logic goes something like this.

I spend a great deal of my time trying to eradicate problems from my life, to make my life as easy as possible, and have spent most of my adult life doing so. I now believe that it has become a Pavlovian response, so that, even as my life gets easier (which it does) I am compelled to find "problems" to solve. The worst thing is that as the compulsion, through conditioning, gets stronger the problems will be come increasingly trivial, until finally I am arrested and jailed for laying in wait and strangling the lady that delivers "The Stirling Times" for sticking it in the letterbox in such a way that I tear the front page when I remove it.

Who says time in the toilet is unproductive?

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