Monday, December 17, 2007

A thinking voter!

This is reprinted from the blog of my friend's brother. I just wish a higher percentage of voters asked the same of their representatives.

November, 2007

To: Michael Keenan
Honourable Member for Stirling

Dear Sir,

You have been my voice in the federal parliament for 3 years. Now it is time to renew your contract and I would like to check some of your Key Performance indicators. By this, I mean, have you represented my interests at a federal level.

Therefore, I would like to ask you a few questions on which I can base my decision:

1. What have you done to make life in the city of Stirling ecologically sustainable? For example: subsidising renewable energy.

2. What have you done to reduce Western Australia’s contribution to global warming (and thus ensuring that the houses along the Mitchell Freeway don’t become water-front properties)?

3. What have you done to ensure the release of refugees from the “detention centres” in Western Australia? They are always welcome to stay at our place, if accommodation is an issue.

4. What are you doing towards creating a stable Middle-East, which the current administration helped to (further) destabilize?

5. What are you doing towards reconciling the interests of the Aboriginal Community with the rest of Australian Society? For example: perhaps moving to amend the constitution to recognize the indigenous people are the rightful custodians of the land might be a good start.

I did take the time to review you website/s in search of answers to these questions, but they seemed more concerned with crime and safety. This is not a major issue for me, having lived in the City of Stirling for 20 years, and never once been the victim of a serious crime. However, if this is a problem for the majority of residents my question is this:

What are you doing to address the causes of crime? For example: the economic factors, social environment and family structures.

If you could let me know as soon as possible it would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks in advance.



Unsurprisingly, he is yet to receive a reply.

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