Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Mid-winters Day

The shortest day of the year

Not my favourite time of the year. While the days have been glorious here (it has only rained twice in the last month) this time of the year always has a slightly depressing effect on me. Coming off birthday celebrations, and with nary a long weekend in sight until September, it seems as though there is very little to look forward to. I say seems, because this is obviously untrue, but on the respective timeline scale, the excitement cupboard is a little bare.

I am feeling insignificant at the moment, which doesn't help my outlook. I strive to be even handed, to not over react to emotional stimuli, which I like to thik I achieve most of the time. Unfortunately, it also means that people are less wary of pissing you off, and when they do the prevailing attitude seems to be "oh well".

I have a recurring nightmare that I don't really exist. I wake up convinced that I am not real, and it scares the crap out of me. Days like yesterday don't help.

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