Friday, March 02, 2007

Jesus Christ

The man, the figurehead and the epithet

I've always had a real interest in Jesus as a historical figure (rather than a religious icon), so the news about the James Cameron documentary caught my eye this week. It seems an interesting story and one I would like to hear more about. Scott Adams (the Dilbert Guy) makes an interesting comment on the discovery over at his blog.

Of course, Christians around the world have either condemned or dismissed it out of hand, which got me to thinking about why the would do that. I have expressed my thoughts on religious fervour before but the thought keeps gnawing away at me, "Surely, these people can't be so different from me that they won't even entertain the idea?".

Apparently I was wrong. I ran across this entry by Stu over at yelpar. Apparently Wikipedia is "anti-christian" and "anti-American", so the neo-Cons have taken it upon themselves to create a strikingly similar looking web site and called it Conservapedia. This is where the epithet part comes in. Some of the things there are so far removed from what I think that it scares me. I thought Jesus Christ, what if these people are right? What if the world is really only a couple of thousand years old and carbon dating is fraudulent? What if I am one of the deluded? All this time, growing up, growing older, science has been lying to me?

Jesus Christ, I am in trouble.


stu said...

it's okay take a sedative, have a lie down, the priest will be over soon ;o)

Ranx said...


Bless you