I am constantly amazed by the means life* employs to remind me not to get too caught up in myself. I was on the morning train, armed with my usual "war against everyone" mentality, glaring at the people sitting, daring them to try and stand up and leave the train before me (one of my pet hates). The girl in front of me leaned forward and her "Harrods" carry bag gaped open. Do you know what was inside?
Her lunch.
A bottle of water, a can of Coke and something wrapped in aliminium foil. In that instant, she went from being "she, her, they" to being "me". The simple recognition that half an hour earlier, she, like me, was packing her bag with her lunch to get to work filled me with a sense of peace and hope I rarely experience, but cherish when I do. The acknowledgement that no matter who or what someone is or does, we share a common humanity is spiritually uplifting for me, and I am grateful that life* reminds me occasionally.
*{insert your preferred name here}
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