It doesn't have to be. Leading up to Valentine's Day I become very cynical and decry it as pure commercialisation, designed only to sell flowers and cards. When the day actually arrives, however, I realise that it doesn't have to be. Sure you will be bombarded with advertising contrived purely to make you feel guilty if you don't spend on your loved one(s), but you don't have to. You still have free will. Romance is not about the dollars you spend, it's the time. My wife and I don't "celebrate" Valentine's day or even wedding anniversaries with lavish gifts of even gestures. My rule is that if I can express my love for her on these days, I can do it any day. It's much cooler to make romantic gestures without the prompting of TV advertising campaigns. So by all means celebrate and rejoice in your love, no matter who it is for, your wife, your friends, your kids. Do it wholeheartedly, unashamedly and joyfully. Just do it when you feel it.
The beauty of love, to me, is that you feel it as you give it, not as you get it.
To everyone, love always, and more importantly, always love.
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