I am absolutely committed to the death of chain emails and petitions. You know the ones.
"Little Stevie is very sick and wants to get in the Guinness book of records" and "Microsoft will give you 5c for every email". The worst ones are the public service announcements. Like this lipstick one or one about Glade air fresheners burning down your house . I used to get at least one a day from my concerned friends, who thought I needed to know these things. Then I started the crusade. Sir Woodie jumped on board, merely for the chance to be condescending and scathing to his friends (as if that's not enough inducement). But it has had results. The only time I receive these now, it is usually addressed solely to me and prefaced by "Is this true??". I have become the arbiter, a role I relish. So join the crusade, fight the good fight and spread the word. Check out www.snopes.com a great resource for the debunkers of the world.
On, Patsy.
1 comment:
Nuh huh? I'm the local debunker here! Mainly, political siht... and most of them really brief, but I did shoot out a masterpiece just the other week.
Some ccok scuker sent my daughter, Lauren, a long essay "revealing" the global media conspiracy (i.e. The one that makes Dubya out to be a total fnucking tool). At first I chuckled briefly, then I thought "It would take a global conspiracy to hide his total fnucking tooliness", then I noticed the names/email addies had a pattern (e.g. godluvstexas@baptist.org, etc)... then I became angry & insensed, then I was "Off, like a whores drawers".
I trundled the web till I had pasted gobloads of links, quotes, sources, charts, statistics and typed tonnes of tittilating truths. I just wanted to psis on every "fact" contained in that horrid heap of half shite/half spite misinformation.
So... only one person comments... "I'm not going to read your letter...". cnut psis siht fcuk. It was my Magnum Opus and it went straight to the round file.
This happens everytime I get into some blul siht political discussion with fanatics... they ignore any amount of researched & validated contrary evidence, or worse still they refute it with some fcuk knuckle argument that doesn't make sense and has no foundation.
I'm assolutely DONE discussing that 'orrible, 'orrible, little man with his fanatical supporters. It's like telling devout christians "A big, invisible magician doesn't really seem like a sound premise for uniting mankind spiritually"... beating your head against a wall. "But, he does magic. Water into wine, eternal life and chocolate eggs".
So "Fcuk 'em", I'll just sit here and seethe while they psis away all my dreams for a "Star Trek" type government in my life. Let 'em kill all I hold dear, I'll just make really angry faces at their newspapers, that'll learn the cnuts. Only way I could remotely enjoy hearing about that Dubya prcik is if he did a "Mussolini".
Never heard of a public figure (leader of the free world, LoL.) so insultingly, insufferably, inevitably fcuking stupid they make you lose your siht... I have to leave, I feel a sphinchter wobble coming on.
He has the right to write "The right rite is to the right".<<< Wanker
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