In case there are any of you left out there who actually wonder where we stand as a country, have quick read of the comments here regarding the Bali Nine. I will admit to this being a real thorn in my side, primarily because of the way the Federal Police let Scott Rush's parents down, but I am once again appalled by the callousness of supposedly fellow Australians.
There was a time in my life, not that long ago, when I believed that this country was on a spiritual upturn, that we had taken on board the message that love and positivety were the way forward. Now this message is limited to the annoying "send this to 10 friends" chain email variety, while in the "real world" people not only "look out for number one", they no longer have the decency to be even faintly embarrassed by it. This leads me to a moral dilemma. Do I avoid watching the news and current affairs and reading public opinion, thereby leaving me ignorant and content, or do I tilt at windmills and look in to the face of the Ignorance Beast thereby condemning myself to spend my time in despair at my increasing feelings of isolation from, what i used to think of, as humanity?
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