This bloke or someone very like him is most likely at just about every junior sporting fixture around the country. Granted, most of them have enough restraint not to belt a child, but it is simmering there all the same. I will readily admit to a visceral desire to snot any little bastard I feel has dealt unfairly with one of my boys (Fatness, how did you live through your "sporting" years), but, what raises us above the lower animals is our ability to reason, not to immediately react as our instincts bid us.
But is it all one way traffic? A number of times this season I have been appalled to hear some foul-mouthed little turd has given a referee or a linesman a spray that even someone with my scatalogical vocabulary would be proud of, with no repercussions from coach or parent. I'm not going to start banging on about how "in my day" we respected adults (i.e. were too afraid of) too much to even dare answer back, let alone suggest they were in fact sight impaired female pudenda performing a primary procreational function, but todays parents do have a lot to answer for. Not only for the way they raise their own children, but for how they interact with other people's.
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