Woo hoo!! The Foundation Day long weekend once again coincides perfectly with my birthday. Unlike certain people (Norm, Woz, Jillie, I'm looking at you) I love making a big deal of my birthday. Not because it's my birthday, but purely because I'm more likely to get "Yes" when I invite people over. I just love to surround myself with friends and family and my birthday is the perfect excuse, a sort of mid year Christmas. So if the weather stays fine, Sunday will find me basking in the backyard drinking and making merry, while my friends come and worship at the altar of me. If it rains, I hope we fit in the shed.
Just hope no one brings any myrrh. :-)
*Happy Birthday to me
Happy Birthday to me
Happy Birthday dear me
Happy Birthday to me
Hip Hip Hooray
Hip Hip Hooray
Hip Hip Hooray
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