I was watching the "Professional Wrestling" yesterday with the boys when I began to feel uneasy. I was listening to the contrived dialogue between the two protagonists, who were overblown stereotypes with no acting ability or redeeming features other than their bodies, all the while knowing that sooner or later they would be grappling, trying to show off as many different positions as possible, before one or both of them was laid flat out on their back.
Then it hit me.
Pro Wrestling is porn for people who prefer violence to sex.
Surely not, you say? Then consider this.
It follows the same formula (the setup, the tease, the action and then, finally, the climax), and surrounds itself with implausible story lines so people with ridiculously proportioned bodies can strip down and roll around together in the name of entertainment.
And, as I tightly gripped the remote, I realised I was watching it one-handed.